The diamonds and other ornaments of Lord Venkateswara cannot be shown to the public as the Agama Shastras do not permit it.
The members of the TTD Board have seen them and they are satisfied that there has been no loss.
This is the explanation being offered by the TTD and other government officials concerned regarding the allegations made by Ramana Deekshitulu and others.
Do the Agama Shastras then permit the TTD Board to view the ornaments of the Lord? Who are these members? Are they angels come from the sky? Or, are they people who have attained moksha in this life and the ultimate names in spirituality?
Let’s have a look at the names of the TTD Board.
‘Navel Officer’ K Raghavendra Rao known for his objectification of women on screen, Bonda Uma Maheswara Rao, Rayapati Sambasiva Rao, excise contractors, ex-naxalites etc etc.
In fact, but for the leaked media clip, a Christian lady Anitha would have still been part of the TTD. These are the holy TTD Board members and who appoints them? The government i.e. the TDP.
So, TDP says that the Board appointed by it has inspected the ornaments of the Lord and everything is fine.
You cannot question them further because the Agama Shastras do not permit it.
Oh Lord Venkanna! When will you save Andhra Pradesh from these dirty bunch of politicians?