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Watch: Hang Them in Public, Chiranjeevi's anguish

Watch: Hang Them in Public, Chiranjeevi's anguish

Sexual assault and murder of doctor Priyanka Reddy shook the nation. People are calling for capital punishment for the perpetrators. Megastar Chiranjeevi also echoed the same.

“The ghastly incidents took place in the last couple of days and atrocities on women have pained me. My heart is bleeding. I am anguished at the incident. Are we living among animals? Such criminals should be punished immediately. Justice should be served for Priyanka Reddy. I would not hesitate to call for capital punishment for that maga mrugallu,” Chiranjeevi said in a video message.

Veterinarian Priyanka Reddy was brutally raped and charred to death in Shamshabad on Thursday. He also requested women and young girls to reach out to police for assistance during odd hours and download apps.

“I urge all the girls to store 100 in your mobile and press it in emergency and download Hackeye on your smartphone to reach out to She Teams,” he suggested.


Tags: Chiranjeevi Priyanka Reddy