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Producers! Beware Of This New Game

Producers! Beware Of This New Game

Film production is a risky aspect. Setting a project, making it without hassles and releasing the film are really hard tasks.

Many producers put signatures here and there to get finance in hard times. But when the time comes to repay, the producers should take all the care to clear the dues. Otherwise, the financiers use their power in any way. 

Now a new way is found in this Tom and Jerry act. It is known that a big hero's film when not released on the announced date, the producer has to face a big loss. If the court stays the release of the film, it is clear that the film dies at the box office. 

Once the audience lose interest due to delay in release, the film hardly finds the life again. 

So, to avoid such stay orders the producers play intelligently by changing the names of the banners. 

Something out of the box way is discovered recently with the release of a film. The stay order was given by the court to stop the release of the film based on the complaint of a financier. 

The financier placed an agreement signed by the producer in which it was stated that the debt will be cleared completely before the release of this particular film. 

But intelligently the producer changed the name of the banner assuming that the financier may file a case in the court before the release. Surprisingly, the court has given the stay order. 

But how?

Here is the twist. 

The agreement submitted to the court is a fake one with forgery. Even a novice can say that the signature is no way in match to the original signature of the producer. But the court hasn't considered all that. The stay order was given and summoned the producer to prove the facts. 

That wouldn't be the time to fight. So, the producer compromised outside the court and paid the amount in full to the financier. 

In a way, the financier committed a crime by submitting the forgery agreement to the court, knowing the weak point of the producer. The issue is settled, that's all. 

Not clearing the dues in time and finding the manipulative route to procrastinate the issue is a mistake from the side of the producer. Taking this legally illegal route to get the solution is also a crime on the side of the financier. 

If this method is followed by each and every financier, then many film releases will be in doldrums. 

If a forgeried agreement is enough to trouble a film's release, then many unrelated miscreants may come into picture with extortion plans.


Tags: Tollywood