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Editorial: An Angry Revolution Is Manifesting

A general feeling among many in power especially the politicians are that the memory of the public is very short and they will forget things soon. That is the major reason why whenever this country has seen something very tragic or drastic, there is some noise for one or two days and after that everything is routine. But it looks like this concept of thinking is now changing as the tolerance levels of the people have been pushed to the farthest.
The generation of today is currently in a blood boiling mindset looking at the apathy of the administration towards law, justice. The Delhi Gang rape incident has rattled everyone and till now no justice has happened. Such incidents have always been happening but always the wrongdoers are let scot free. This shocking state of affairs is slowly giving rise to an angry revolution among the youngsters.
With awareness and exposure coming right into their bedrooms through internet, media and other avenues, many questions are being asked. Why is the police so inefficient? Why is the system so corrupt? Why are the politicians so thick skinned and shameless when it comes to responding to issues? The youth of today expect their families to be safe, they want a system, they want their basic amenities.
Most importantly, the realization to have their rights has grown and in the garb of democracy, nothing is happening here. It is a disgust to see the elected representatives leading the lives of parasites eating public money and living luxuriously. But beware, if this irresponsible and reckless attitude continues the day is not far when the revolution will take a bloody shape and wipe out all the corrupt and inefficient in the anger of the youngsters.

(Venkat can be reached at [email protected] or